Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: Graduation Gift #4523
    Laurel Lewis

    Our graduates get a Tree of Andry from from the residency.  They are beautiful!  Each one is handmade and comes in a huge box to protect the artwork.  The GME department gets them the captain’s chairs described by Joan and a mantle clock.

    Residents and fellows also get an acrylic “award” for lack of a better term, that we created with their name, our logo, grad date, and the last stanza of Robert Frost’s poem, The Road Less Traveled (my favorite 😉 ).

    Congratulations on graduating your first class, Sara!!



    in reply to: Match Week #4483
    Laurel Lewis

    Well said, Tonya!

    Congratulations to all of Orthopaedics as the word is, EVERYONE Matched!! 

    Please believe that it is due to your influence and hard work no matter how long you have been in the career!

    We are all learning together, so, keep posting and reaching out to each other!

    Again, a big CONGRATULATIONS to ALL!


    in reply to: Policy for Pregnant Residents #4413
    Laurel Lewis

    Corrie, That is great information!

    All of our residents have lead because they use Fluoroscopy.  I think I spelled that big word correctly!!

    Is there more specialized lead for pregnancy?


    in reply to: Case Log Reports #4404
    Laurel Lewis


    It depends upon which report you are pulling.  We check quarterly and I pull two reports Surgery Minimums and Experience by Year (attached).  The last column is Total and since there is a zero for Incision that means the resident did not log any of those cases.  There will only be data in any of the reports if the resident logs the case.

    So, yes, the resident may have completed a case but it “didn’t happen” unless they put it in their case logs.

    Does that answer your question, Tonya?

    Monica, weekly is awesome!  I just don’t have the time for that!!!


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    in reply to: Rotational Evaluations #4358
    Laurel Lewis

    Hi Mara,

    Our mid rotation evaluations are completed using Orthobullets.  Residents send the Eval Master evaluations to their faculty and also co residents.  This helps us populate the Milestones report for Professionalism that we submit to ACGME.  The end of rotation evaluation is completed in New Innovations.  I have attached the following for your review:

    Pg 1-4  New Innovations

    Pg 5      OrthoBullets Eval Master report

    Pg 5-6  OrthoBullets Skill Master report  (MSE – (and Milestones Skills Evals – sent only to faculty)

    Hope this was a help to you!


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    in reply to: Orthopeadic Resident Call #4357
    Laurel Lewis

    Hey, Lorena, I think that would depend on a lot of factors.  For example, the size of the program, home call, in-house call, nightfloat.   I can tell you that my PGY2’s take the majority of call (5-6 nights a month), with the PGY3-5 graduating to less call each PGY.

    Not very statistical, sorry?  🙂


    Laurel Lewis

    Don’t forget to sign up for this virtual session with the Maine Orthopaedic Review tomorrow at 3PM EST.

    The Maine Ortho Review has been working with residents and faculty since 1959 to pass Written Exam (Part 1) and Oral Exam (Part 1).

    There is a lot to learn about this program whether attended virtually or to immerse the learner by visiting the beautiful state of Maine personally for the course.

    Registration is still open!

    in reply to: Associate Program Director #4323
    Laurel Lewis

    Thanks for posting, Melissa!  I wanted a copy, too!


    in reply to: Audition Rotations #4313
    Laurel Lewis

    We have a screening tool that mimics the ERAS application.  I have attached it for you.  Hope this helps!


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    in reply to: Annual Membership Dues – 2023 #4294
    Laurel Lewis

    Hi Sonia!

    Suzanne has paid the dues for your institution ($275) and you are a member.

    Dues are paid per Institution and all residency and fellowship coordinators in that institution are covered under that one payment.

    It’s a good question, and can be confusing sometimes!

    Say Hello to Suzanne for me and we hope to see you both at the Conference in Las Vegas!


    in reply to: Residents scoring low on their OITE #4240
    Laurel Lewis

    Hi Kelly,

    It sounds like your program is doing a great job of helping the resident with their academic shortcomings.  A mentor is a good idea, too.  Have you checked to make sure that the resident’s emotional health is solid?  Perhaps they are dealing with problems outside the residency, thinking that they have it handled, but really they need to talk to a professional?  Have they lost their love of Orthopaedics?  As we look at all they must accomplish to become a surgeon it is quite the daunting task.  It could be that they are not actually an orthopaedic surgeon but don’t know how to accept it.  What about imposter syndrome?  Are they realizing their dream has come true and now not sure that they will be able to stack up to the expectations even though they are more than capable?

    I find that residents seem to be those high achievers that don’t know how to handle not being the best.  When they don’t meet their own or others’ expectations it can be hard to accept.

    Like you, I really feel for our residents and the hard work and sacrifice they have to go through to become an Orthopaedic Surgeon.  I hope you find the best way to help this resident, the fact that you are reaching out shows that your program is committed to helping them succeed.  That resident is lucky to have you!!!

    Anyone else have some thoughts to help Kelly?



    in reply to: Important Updates from the ARCOS Board of Directors #4237
    Laurel Lewis

    Greetings, All!

    I’ll keep this short and sweet because who has time with the Holidays upon us?

    • Remember to renew your 2023 Institutional Membership Dues – just one fee of $275 for everyone in your institution – deadline 12/31/22.
      • You need to have updated dues to sign up for the Awesome ARCOS Annual Conference we will enjoy March 7-11, 2023 in LVNV – deadline 1/15/23.
    • Hotels in LVNV, keep shopping hotels through at the AAOS ONPEAK Website as they open up daily.  Right now, good bets are Linq and Harrah’s.
    • The CORD (Council of Ortho Res Dir) Meeting is Mar 10 and you need to register to attend. Save $75 by registering before 12/31/22.  Click Here
    • We are still looking for Patsi Furr and Poster Presenters!  Earn TAGME credits, add a national presentation to your resume, and most of all share your talents and knowledge with your ARCOS Family!  Links are on the ARCOS Website Home Page. Deadline – 1/15/23  Email me with any questions!

    These deadlines are looming fast!  The reason for these tight deadlines is that The Board must provide numbers for the venue, food, and meeting materials to make this all come together.  The ARCOS Annual Conference is begins March 7 – that is so close!  🙂

    I echo Kim’s sentiments about our board, so think about joining us!

    From the Board of Directors, have a happy and safe holiday and interview season!!


    in reply to: CALL for PATSI FURR and POSTER PRESENTERS!! #4139
    Laurel Lewis


    Just a reminder that we are still accepting applications for you to present as the Patsi Furr Coordinator Spotlight lecturer and/or Poster Session!! 

    Both activities are a great opportunity to showcase your experience and knowledge at the national level.

    Earn TAGME Personal Professional Growth (PPG) credit for each of these events presented at the ARCOS Annual Conference.  In addition, awards are given for Best Poster (last year we had a tie!) and the Patsi Furr lecturer receives complimentary registration to the March 2022 Conference ($550 value).

    For more information, a link to these applications is on the ARCOS home page or you can email me with any questions you may have  Please respond to the call for applications by December 31, 2022.

    Looking forward to hearing from you!


    in reply to: CORD Early Bird Spring 2023 Conference #4074
    Laurel Lewis

    Great information, Vicky!  Thanks!


    in reply to: Program Director Email list #4066
    Laurel Lewis

    Hi Helen,

    You can find some of these emails on the ACGME website.  But some will list email address of coordinators instead.  After talking with other board members we are not aware of any resources like this.  Anyone else out there have any ideas?

    ~ARCOS Website Committee

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 152 total)