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  • in reply to: 360 & Patient Evals #4033
    Laurel Lewis

    Hi Erin,

    Attached is the Patient Evaluation we use.  I ask the Medical Assistant (MA) to give this paper evaluation to 10 patients at the beginning of their visit with our resident.  The MAs then collect and return to me.  They have been wonderful in getting this done!

    Additionally, I have created a Multi-Source Evaluation in Microsoft Forms that I send out to all the staff managers.  The managers are able to pinpoint staff better than I am.  The multi-source eval is available to staff at any time during the year.  I will make a punctuation for it in February to remind them so I can get more feedback for my spring CCC Meeting.

    Our Peer evaluations are done through OrthoBullets.  Attached is a sample of the feedback.

    This is a great question!  I am anxious to see what others are doing and on what platforms.


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    Laurel Lewis


    Should you have any issues with this link, please go to, click Join A Meeting and enter Meeting ID 831 1222 0891 and Passcode 211277.

    in reply to: Completing Resident Evaluations as a Program Coordinator #3917
    Laurel Lewis

    Hi Kelly,

    Our residents meet with our PD quarterly, so twice per year I add my Reminder Checklist, which could be considered an evaluation.  I have the basic functions that I need the residents to complete listed and I check if they are compliant.  Things like:  responds to emails, paperwork on time, compliant with duty hours, etc.  Whatever you need from them.  Then there is the “Notes” section where they may get kudos or “Areas for Improvement.”  A printed document is generated for each resident for the PD to discuss with them during that quarterly meeting.  I was just thinking, I could make this an New Innovations evaluation so thanks for that idea!!

    I am in agreement with you…wonder if other coordinators do this on a regular basis?


    Laurel Lewis

    Hey Lynne,

    Yes, we are working on the solution.  It will be available by Noon today.

    It is the registration part that is the current problem.

    We will send out another notification on the Online Community when the registration is ready to go.

    We are super excited that you are all interested in the topics!

    Hold that date and time!


    Laurel Lewis

    Hi Everyone,

    We are excited that you are all interested in attending!

    Please try again at noon today.  Sorry for any inconvenience!





    in reply to: Introduction & Site Visit Accreditation #3893
    Laurel Lewis


    Email me and let’s have a zoom chat about what you need.  I’ve been through 2 Site Visits recently.



    in reply to: Interviews 2022-2023 #3814
    Laurel Lewis


    My PD, Dr DiPasquale, has always wanted in-person interviews for residency.  In the last GMEC meeting, he made a motion that all residencies in our institution should have the opportunity to decide for themselves.  The motion was passed, pending any possible health crisis that should arise (#pandemic).  For us, we expect to have in-person interviews for residency but Zoom interviews for our two fellowships.  Using the virtual interview platform for fellowships has worked great for us and busy residents seem to appreciate it also.


    in reply to: Your Professional Development Opportunities #3807
    Laurel Lewis

    Hey Laura!

    You could always add your mom to the poster credits!  Hahahah!

    Here’s another resource that might help your anxiety:

    Also, Beth’s presentation on posters will inspire anyone.  She is really a joy to listen to on any subject!  Check it out at   Scroll to the bottom to see Beth’s link.

    Maybe you want to do a presentation for the Patsi Furr Coordinator Spotlight instead??!!

    Hope you and others are feeling INSPIRED!!  I can’t wait to see what you all come up with for the March 2023 meeting in LVNV!

    I’ll get the links together soon!




    in reply to: Plaque #3614
    Laurel Lewis

    Hey Michelle,

    When I am looking for plaque ideas, I search online.  But I also like to use a poem or message that is personal and/or the Tree of Andry.  The last stanza of “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost has been a favorite of mine forever.  A local Trophy Shop would be glad to help you with ideas, too.


    in reply to: ABOS Knowledge, Skills, and Behavior (KSB) Program #3604
    Laurel Lewis


    There is still time to register for the ABOS KSB Program Coordinator Town Hall starting today at 3PM Eastern Time.  Try this link to register:!event/2022/5/26/abos-ksb-program-coordinator-town-hall

    Or log onto and select the Upcoming Events menu at the top.

    You should receive an email that your registration was successful and the link and information with be in the body of that email.  The attachment will put the meeting on your calendar but you must copy/paste the link and other information.

    Email me if you need any help!!


    in reply to: Fellowship Diploma #3580
    Laurel Lewis

    Hi Tica!!

    Attached are the certificates that I use for my Hand and Trauma fellows as a PPT file.  After I edit I save it to PDF and send to a local printer who prints in on “nice certificate paper” in the appropriate size for a medical graduation certificate.  I get these framed so it’s better if you get it a more standard size.  And yes, there is a constant battle over the “a” in orthopaedics at my institution so…..


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    in reply to: Weekly Education & Didactics #3546
    Laurel Lewis

    Hey All,

    Attached is our monthly schedule which is tweaked when we have special opportunities for residents and fellows.  Our Thursday Night Journal Club is once per week and supported by a rep at a local restaurant.  We focus on 2 specialties per month at the journal club.  All resident education is mandatory, we use attendance sheets, Chief Resident and Faculty disapproval for missing it – and no one wants that!  Yes, there are times a resident could be excused by contacting the chief but it is rare.  Education takes place each weekday morning, with a faculty member facilitating 0630-0730 and 0600-0900 on Fridays.  Interns complete their surgical skills during the month of October at Johns Hopkins with several other residencies.

    I like Monica and Kim’s OITE Review Mondays – great idea!  We usually include it in daily education during the week prior to November, but maybe more dinners should be added.  🙂


    WellSpan York Hospital



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    in reply to: Chief Expectations #3385
    Laurel Lewis

    Hi Erin,

    Here is the list that we put together.  It is very basic but the last two items set the tone.  Hope this helps!


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    in reply to: Case Logs/Duty Hours #3244
    Laurel Lewis


    Thanks for sharing your manual!

    I am going to use it!  Also the template you used is the same for our Resident Handbook!  It’s really nice for me how that worked out! 😉


    in reply to: Milestones #3208
    Laurel Lewis


    In our program, we do not complete milestones for every rotation.  We have 3 month blocks and there is an evaluation (Using OrthoBullets Eval Master) midway through the rotation and a final rotation evaluation based on core competencies at the end of the rotation using New Innovations.  The CCC discusses each resident at twice yearly meetings, using all the evaluations we have collected during the previous 6 months, and using OrthoBullets determine if the milestones generated by that program are appropriate for each resident.  In the end, OrthoBullets populates the milestones for us that we use to complete the milestones twice per year with any information acquired by our quarterly evaluations considered as well.  So, my answer is that you can just use the milestones twice per year, but you still have to have other evaluations twice per rotation.

    Anyone else have a plan to help out David?  Thoughts?


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