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  • in reply to: New ACGME Case Minimums #6162
    Courtney Matlach

    Hi Starla,

    I noticed this morning that the minimum report had been updated and I was slightly freaking out! The January CORD Report email that went out this morning had a link for some articles, including a timeline of how this will be implemented.  This did make me feel slightly better, but still a lot to digest. I think we will certainly have a lot of questions for the ACGME at our upcoming conference!

    Courtney Matlach
    Montefiore Einstein

    Courtney Matlach

    Hi all,

    We hope your year is off to a good start and we look forward to seeing everyone at our upcoming conference!

    It is not too late to sign up to be a round table facilitator at our round table session at our 20th Annual ARCOS Conference.

    As a facilitator your role will include:

    • Guiding participants through prepared topics
    • Ensuring that the round table stays on schedule
    • With the help of your table participants, describe key points to the broader group

    If interested, please sign up by Friday, January 17th! You may sign up by:

    • Log into the ARCOS website at
    • At the top of the page, click on “Upcoming Events” then click on view as calendar or view as list.
    • Click on this event and complete the sign up form.
    • You will receive a confirmation email.
    • Courtney will contact everyone before the conference to go over the final details.

    As we put the final touches of the conference together, if you have any suggestions for which topics should be discussed during the round table session, please drop your topic ideas here:

    The ARCOS Board of Directors ~Laurel, Kim, Maia, Stacey, Melissa, Annie, Bonnie, Laurie, and Courtney

    in reply to: OITE Website #6004
    Courtney Matlach


    Log in to the site and if you hit the roster button they will all be listed. You can also download as an excel file. I then do a quick mail merge to put them on stickers to hand out the morning of.

    I just finished up in person testing yesterday and happy to report no issues!

    Happy testing all!


    in reply to: ABOS Part I – Anyone hearing of testing issues? #5660
    Courtney Matlach

    Hi Amy,

    I just got a panic call from one of my residents as well. He said section 6 cut off 10 minutes early and section 7 wouldn’t appear. He said the testing site was trying to call ABOS, but couldn’t get through.

    I cant imagine how frustrated they must be feeling




    in reply to: Where did your ranked, but un-matched match this year? #5402
    Courtney Matlach

    If you haven’t seen it already, NRMP published a report labeled “Download- Advance Data Tables” which shows the number of applicants and matches per specialty. The report even breaks it down by MD and DO, it was interesting to see!

    in reply to: Fellowship candidate from Columbia. #5340
    Courtney Matlach

    From my understanding physicians who graduated from residency programs outside of the US have to undergo a special pathway to be able to sit for the ABOS exam. They have to show that they worked with an accredited residency program for x amount of years and have to have a certain academic appointment rank as well. I have a faculty member who trained outside of the US and has been patiently waiting to be able to sit for the test.

    in reply to: PGY1s Skills Lab #5264
    Courtney Matlach

    Hi Chanelle,

    Attached is a copy of my schedule, the mornings were typically filled with skills sessions in our skills lab and the afternoons were filled with various lectures.


    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    in reply to: Round Table Facilitator Sign Ups!! #5194
    Courtney Matlach

    Hi all-

    Last call for anyone interested in signing up to be a round table facilitator at our upcoming conference!

    Click here to SIGN UP TODAY!!  For more details, check out the PDF attachment on the ARCOS Members Asked post!


    in reply to: Industry Sponsors #5178
    Courtney Matlach

    Hi Honor,


    If you scroll back to about a month ago there is a thread called Grants that has some information about applying for ao basic grants through J&J

    Good luck!


    in reply to: Grants #5089
    Courtney Matlach

    Wondering if anyone has ever run into issues with J&J Depuy grants? I recently applied for funding for my residents to go to AO Basic and I was told unfortunately they cannot review my grant right now because another department in my hospital has not reconciled their grant (aka they owe them money) and until they get the funds back, they won’t look at ours. We are very close to just offering to pay to cover the other departments fee!

    in reply to: Increase in Resident Complement #5019
    Courtney Matlach

    Thanks for the responses, sounds like it’s just a tedious process. Glad I’m not alone!

    in reply to: Number of Ortho Applicants in 2024 Match #5012
    Courtney Matlach


    We received about 100 less applications compared to last year but did get more signals this time around. Our guess was that people who didn’t signal us decided not to apply at all.

    Courtney Matlach

    Montefiore Medical Center

    in reply to: Internal Survey #4784
    Courtney Matlach

    Hi Angie,

    We created a survey monkey and it just asked them two questions:

    -Please tell us 1-2 things you do not like about the program and would like to see changed

    -Please tell us 1-2 things that you like about the program and do not want to see changed

    It was meant as a one time survey, but since I opened the link the residents have been using it to randomly enter anonymous concerns so we are keeping the link live so they can use it as they see fit.


    in reply to: Visiting Professor-Honorarium #4747
    Courtney Matlach

    So glad to see this post, as we were just discussing our honorarium for this year! We are planning on giving $1000 and also covering their travel expenses.

    in reply to: Graduation #4694
    Courtney Matlach

    At our graduation dinner we present our graduates with their diplomas and then give them the podium to announce their faculty teacher of the year award winner. At our graduation we have ortho residents graduating, podiatry residents, and we do the fellows here also, so it is a lot of people to get through. We used to give out other awards at dinner, but we found that it got too long, and we started losing people’s attention so now we do all other awards during the day at our research event.

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 42 total)