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    Hello All,


    Recently, we had our fellowship interviews and we had a candidate from Columbia who is interested in continuing his education in Trauma. The situation is, he is already an Attending in his country.  My chairman wants to know how we can have him join us  as an Attending in the USA for Fellowship.  Any ideas on how to pursue this? This is a first of many for me.   I was informed if he is chosen, he would have to take the ABOS and he would have to cover his own malpractice. Any advice, would be greatly appreciated it.

    Courtney Matlach

    From my understanding physicians who graduated from residency programs outside of the US have to undergo a special pathway to be able to sit for the ABOS exam. They have to show that they worked with an accredited residency program for x amount of years and have to have a certain academic appointment rank as well. I have a faculty member who trained outside of the US and has been patiently waiting to be able to sit for the test.

    Cindy Thompson

    There are several things you need to consider…..

    1.  Institutional requirements – what is your institutional policy on this?

    2.  State licensure requirements – what type of license do you require them to have in fellowship and are they able to obtain it?

    3.  ABOS requirements – he would not be eligible to immediately sit for the ABOS.  He would have to pursue certification via the academic pathway.  This requires them to be employed as a full-time teaching faculty member (not as a fellow) in same ACGME accreditated academic institution for 5 years.  I would double check with Sonya Parker at the ABOS to be sure nothing has changed and she can then provide additional information if needed as well.


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