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    Ronda Hathaway

    Good Morning,

    Some of my residents have the opportunity to be a part of a mission trip.  I am curious if others have had residents go on a mission trip and how you handled their time off?  Did your residents have to use PTO?  Since they would be performing procedures can it count towards education?

    Thank you,


    Gabrielle Erbacher

    Good morning, my residents go on mission trips if they want to. We do not fund the trip it is funding by an outside company. Since their malpractice insurance does not follow them outside the country, we have them use PTO and they need to hand in their corporate card while they are away. I do not book anything for them either.  We do not count this towards education either.  I hope this is helpful.



    Kim Reising

    Hi –

    We pretty much follow the same format as Gabrielle. If our residents attend a mission that is not sponsored by our program, they have to use PTO.


    Emalee Bradley

    We have had fellows go on mission trips, if we have 6+ month lead time we can apply for an off-campus rotation opportunity through our GME. This does require host site director approval, PD approval letter, goals/objectives, trainee letter on how this opportunity helps their future career/practice. Observation only (no scrub) due to malpractice does not transfer to international rotations as mentioned above. (I haven’t been able to find a company that will offer a short window coverage) If off campus rotation is approved by GME = workdays. If not, PTO.  Funding usually from hosting society or donor funds.



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