Home Forums General Forum Did you get – Questions about applying to your program

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    Dear ARCOS,

    Did anyone else get the email below? Is so, do you know who sent this? Is so, did you reply? I was not planning to respond, but want to hear what others think.


    Me and a group of other applicants are interested in applying to your program and want to make sure we have all the information as up to date as possible. We don’t know if the website is ready for this application cycle and really wanted to get the information directly from you guys without bothering you with multiple phone calls.

    Could you please provide the answers to the following questions?

    1. What are your USMLE Step 1 and USMLE Step 2 CK minimum score requirements? Is there an attempt limit for either exam?
    2. By the time of application, do I need to have completed the USMLE Step 2 CS? Is there an attempt limit?
    3. By the time of application, do you need us to be fully ECFMG certified?
    4. Do you have a program application deadline? If yes, what is the cut off date?
    5. Do you have a Time Since Graduation cut off? If yes, how many years?
    6. Is US Clinical experience required? If yes, how much and what type?
    7. Do you sponsor the H1 visa?
    8. Do you accept the ECFMG-sponsored J1 visa?
    9. Do you have any specific requirements for Letters of Recommendation?
    10. Do you have any International Medical Graduates? If yes, what is the number/percentage of IMGs in your program? If no, will you consider accepting applications from IMGs?

    Thank you so much for your time, and hope youâEUR(tm)re having a great day!

    Best Regards,
    Daniel Barton

    Thanks all for reading this – Vicky Norton, C-TAGME, Immediate Past President of ARCOS


    Yes, I got the exact same email. Mine came the exact same person, and I do not know who this person is. I have not responded yet.

    Mayo Clinic


    UCSD also received this email. Not planning to respond, as most info can either be found on our website or through GME track.



    I received this email too. I get a number of emails with these type of questions, especially before ERAS opens up. I find that if I don’t respond they become very persistent with more emails and sometimes even call on the phone. I have a template email that I prepared some time ago to send back to these inquiries. I never give out any numbers or cut off scores and many times I know I am not answering all of their questions, but usually they don’t follow up as I guess they are happy to get any information at all.

    Montefiore Medical Center


    Yes, I received that same email this morning. Most of this information is on our website or available through GME Track and I am not responding. Every year before ERAS opens I get one of two of these that don’t really feel like they are coming from a student, but rather from an information compiling entity. I typically do not respond. I have not had any experiences like Courtney’s with follow-up email or calls though.

    WMU Stryker School of Medicine


    University of Wisconsin got the same email. I have not responded. If they had looked at our website or GME Track their questions would be answered. I don’t plan to respond.

    University of Wisconsin


    Yes, I did receive it. From the looks of it, I thought it was a mass email, not someone particularly interested in my program. All of the questions can be answered from looking at my website. I do not plan to respond.
    Akron General


    Didn’t get it. Wouldn’t answer it.
    WellSpan York Hospital


    I also received the same e-mail from the same person. I have not replied to it….our information is already out there on our website.

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