Patsi Furr Coordinator Spotlight

ARCOS is proud of the many accomplishments of our members. Our coordinators are extremely gifted and skilled professionals who consistently strive for perfection not only in their positions, but also in their own professional development.

Patsi was the warm and friendly voice on the phone when we were all panicking about of RRA’s or our residents’ boards registrations. More than that, Patsi was a friend to each and every ARCOS member. We loved having her at our meetings and it is simply not the same without her. Patsi was that friendly go-to person at ABOS for over 20 years.

To honor the achievements of our members and to honor a true friend to all coordinators, ARCOS, in partnership with the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery (ABOS), was pleased to establish the Patsi Furr Coordinator Lecture in 2018. The ABOS has graciously endowed this lectureship in perpetuity in honor of Patsi’s contributions to the ABOS and to her relationship with all orthopaedic coordinators.

Each year, a coordinator from the ARCOS membership is chosen to present at our conference. The chosen coordinator receives a waiver of registration fees for this conference, as well as a plaque acknowledging their presentation.

Patsi Furr Coordinator Lectures:

2025 Honor Sanderford, M.Ed, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
“What I Wish I Knew Then, That I Know Now”

2024 Starla Pathak, Tufts Medical Center
“Managing Expectations with Your Program Director, Residents, Medical Students, Rotators and Yourself ”

2023 Melissa Wheeler, MA, C-TAGME, Summa Health System
“Leading by Example: A Coordinator’s Role in Leadership Development”

2022 Vanessa Glotzbach, BA, C-TAGME, Hoag Orthopedic Institute
“If You Build It, They Will Come – Program Coordinators as Champions for New Fellowship Programs”

2019 Barbra Solares, University of Arizona
“How to Create a Professional Development Council at Your Institution”

2018 Ashley Landreneau, CPC, CPCS, Mississippi Sports Medicine Fellowship
“How to Perform the Most Effective Interview Process for Your Program”

Interested in presenting at our annual conference?  We encourage your involvement and your professional development! Come share your knowledge and expertise with ARCOS!

Look for the Call for Presentations each Fall via the ARCOS Website.

To learn more about Patsi, go to or google: Patsi Furr ABOS