Forum Replies Created

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)
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  • in reply to: Time Away for Fellowship Interviews #6338
    Shawna Hook-Held

    Hi! We had a lot of issues with this last year so we allow PGY4’s to use their 5 professional days for interviews. They get 20 vacation days a year and try (it has been an issue!) to get residents to take their vacation days in 5 day blocks (Monday-Friday with the weekend not counting towards their vacation days).


    in reply to: OITE Teams Webinar #5970
    Shawna Hook-Held

    Nevermind! Found it in another chat 🙂

    in reply to: OITE Teams Webinar #5969
    Shawna Hook-Held

    I missed the training and the link isn’t working, can you reshare?

    in reply to: PGY1s Skills Lab #5289
    Shawna Hook-Held

    Thank you all! This is my first year managing our Orientation/Boot Camp ( I started in April last year) so I am so grateful!


    in reply to: The ABOS wants you to know…. #4905
    Shawna Hook-Held

    Hi all!

    Does anyone know if we need to update 2-C for graduating Residents on Form 3?

    2-C Total Time spent in various subspecialities.
    • This section will eventually only be accurate for PGY-5s who were PGY-1s in 2023-2024 academic year

Viewing 5 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)