Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: New Orthopaedic Milestones #2970
    Laurie Lynch

    Hi Beth! I just had a long message typed out with suggestions and my computer wiped them out! I revised half of our forms before July 1 and half after. We use the full Milestones in our evaluation forms and I’m happy to talk you through what I did if you want to connect. Feel free to email me at


    WMU Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine

    in reply to: Social Media Resposibility #2944
    Laurie Lynch

    Hi Amy,

    I’m responsible for sending updates and changes for our website to the webmaster, usually every August. I don’t work in the software though. Our Instagram account is new this year. The residents and I are collaborating on providing photos and information and building a content calendar. Communications policy for our institution requires someone from residency administration to manage and update the account and someone from leadership to review and approve captions and photos. I am handling the updates and our program director is reviewing content before it is uploaded.

    Laurie Lynch

    WMU School of Medicine

    in reply to: Coordinator Cell Phone Usage #2922
    Laurie Lynch

    No cell phone stipend at WMed. My department chair keeps campaigning for a department cell phone that the admin or I can take when we are working off-site. But so far no luck. Our residents do not receive a cell phone stipend, I don’t believe the faculty do.

    in reply to: Flexible Work Arrangements #2824
    Laurie Lynch

    Hi Chandra!

    WMed just initiated our new hybrid option July 6. I had been working from home, with rare exception, since March 23, 2020. For our hybrid, each program is working with their supervisors to determine what schedule/coverage meets department needs. Primary care residencies are in the office more often as their clinics are at our location, as are their residents. Surgery residency will be on site for their conference day, and for specified events. Our plans will be confirmed next week, but I am anticipating on site 2.5 days, remote 2.5 days, alternating days with our admin to optimize office coverage.


    in reply to: Interview Season #2773
    Laurie Lynch

    Hi Jess! Here in Kalamazoo we are waiting on the CoPA recommendations, but hoping and planning for a slightly more normal season. Right now we plan to host in-person interviews for those invited after ERAS opens, but conduct virtual interviews with our home students and students who completed a visiting rotation with us. We have discussed another virtual date for those with budget or distance challenges, but have not worked out the logistics of that yet.


    in reply to: PGY-1 General Surgery Rotations #2680
    Laurie Lynch

    Hi Jamie! Our PGY-1s attend general surgery conferences on the rotations hosted by general surgery. For rotations such as anesthesia and neurosurgery without formal didactics programs, PGY-1s attend our conferences.

    in reply to: Evaluations for Residents #2404
    Laurie Lynch

    Hi again, Shawn!
    We have standard evaluations for each sub-specialty rotation, for example the same for Trauma as a PGY-2, 3 or 5 in our curriculum, Spine as a PGY-2 or 4, Peds Ortho as a PGY-2, 3 or 4. We separated out the Milestones by sub-specialty to use for those sub-specialty rotations. The non-clinical Milestones are assigned for every rotation, with the exception of research. We use New Innovations, which allows us to insert the Milestones into the evaluation directly. We also have a surgery evaluation that is regularly assigned on demand, regardless of rotation, for evaluating preparation, knowledge and performance for specific surgical cases. That is not tied to any Milestone.

    WMU Homer Stryker MD School of Medicine

    in reply to: Chief Residents #2402
    Laurie Lynch

    Hi Shawn!
    Our program has 15 residents (3 per class) and each PGY-5 serves as a chief resident during their PGY-5 year. Our clinical activity is split between two community hospitals, with one being a level 1 trauma site. So on any given rotation, we have an administrative chief at one hospital, an administrative chief at the other hospital, and a trauma chief responsible for the activity for the level 1 trauma. As they progress through their rotations for the year, each PGY-5 resident cycles from trauma chief to admin at one hospital to admin at the other hospital, depending on which hospital and rotation they are assigned to.

    The administrative chiefs are responsible for:
    -call schedule for each block (which includes approving vacation requests to keep call balanced)
    -weekly clinic and OR assignments, with daily updates, for ortho surgery residents
    -assignments for M4 students on ortho surgery required and elective clerkships
    All three chiefs are responsible for:
    -weekly morning conference schedule of presentations (M&M, X-ray Indications, Basic Science, Business of Medicine, etc.) with the exception of Grand Rounds speakers who are scheduled once a month by the department chair
    -presenting one Grand Rounds each
    -weekly schedule of resident presentations for OITE review

    Hope this helps!

    WMU Homer Stryker MD School of Medicine

    in reply to: Orthopaedic Coordinator Binder #2117
    Laurie Lynch

    Hi Toni,
    Apologies for the title, it’s an in-house joke. It is still a work in progress, I keep thinking of other topics to add, which is why the index is not finished. But hopefully this is helpful for your revision!


    Laurie Lynch, C-TAGME
    WMU School of Medicine
    Kalamazoo, MI

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    in reply to: Intern Survival Guide #2100
    Laurie Lynch

    Kim, sorry, those files won’t upload. Email me directly at and I will share them that way.


    in reply to: Intern Survival Guide #2099
    Laurie Lynch

    Hi Kim!
    The original file was in Publisher, so I’ve attached that in case you have that software. But I have also converted it to Rich Text Format so you can at least get the text. Neither RTF nor Word kept the images, and the Word conversion was a little quirky!


    in reply to: AOA/CORD June 9 #2085
    Laurie Lynch

    Our Dean just reiterated today that all institution-related travel is prohibited until at least July 1. We won’t be able to send anyone either.


    Laurie Lynch
    WMU School of Medicine
    Kalamazoo, MI

    in reply to: Intern Survival Guide #2061
    Laurie Lynch

    Hi Erin!
    I’ve attached our administrative handbook for our incoming PGY-1s. Numbering and alphabetical order looks off in pdf format, but it’s intended for double sided printing and folding. I meet with the new residents to review the content and answer any initial questions. Our current PGY-1 residents have a “survival guide” that is handed down from class to class, and I am not privy to that! They distribute that directly to the incoming class. Our chief residents also do an orientation a few days before the start of the academic year, their “skull session”, which covers call schedules and switches, the holiday schedule, transitions of care, didactic conference etiquette and expectations (professionalism)

    Hope this helps to get you started!


    Laurie Lynch
    WMU Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine
    Kalamazoo, Michigan

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    in reply to: Leave/Time Off Policy #1949
    Laurie Lynch

    Hi Darcey!
    Our residents receive 21 days, 15 weekdays and 6 weekend days, for vacation. Our PGY2 – PGY5 residents receive 7 days for elective conferences, 5 weekdays and 2 weekend days. They can apply for an additional 3 conference days if they are accepted for a podium or poster presentation at a conference.
    Our PGY-4s get an additional 5 days for interviews for fellowship. If they are going directly into practice after residency, they can use those additional 5 days in their PGY-4 and PGY-5 year for employment interviews.

Viewing 14 posts - 31 through 44 (of 44 total)