Home Forums General Forum Workplace Violence Survey for Orthopaedic Surgery Trainees

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  • #5511
    Lucy Salgado

    Good Morning Everyone.

    Our residents are currently working on a research project and I’m hoping you can share this survey with your residents?  Greatly appreciate it.


    My name is Elizabeth Cho and I am an orthopaedic surgery resident at Loyola, working with Dr. Adam Schiff and Dr. Mary Mulcahey on a survey study investigating the impact of workplace violence on orthopaedic surgery trainees.

    The anonymous survey asks trainees about their experiences with violence when providing patient care, as well as interventions in place to prevent violence. It should take 5-10 minutes to complete. More information about the study can be found in the attached consent letter.

    We are hoping to distribute this survey widely to all U.S. orthopaedic surgery residents and fellows. Would you kindly share with the residents and/or fellows at your program?

    The link to the survey is: https://redcap.link/orthoviolence

    Thank you very much,



    Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation

    Loyola University Medical Center

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