Home Forums General Forum Where did your ranked, but un-matched match this year?

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    Laura Brown

    People of ARCOS—I was emailing with Laurel, and we both noticed an alarming number of students that we ranked who did not Match Ortho. It wasn’t even that they went unmatched, but that many went FM, Surgery, EM, or IM. I have never had so many not match Ortho in the last seven years. We are both DO programs and have our theories, but I want to hear if there’s a pattern among the MD programs as well.

    Are you like us? Did your rank list go Ortho or elsewhere?

    Kim Reising

    Hi –

    As we all know, orthopaedics is very competitive. My guess is that they were told to have a back-up plan?

    I had one MD student that matched into anesthesia and everyone one else ortho. So, nothing unusual for us.



    Jolene Krueger

    We only had 3 of our ranked folks not match anywhere, but looks like one of them found an ortho fellowship spot afterwards. I’ve looked up a few of the people we chose not to rank (via ortho 2024 match instagram posts) and they matched in ortho. I’m assuming most of the candidates you might be talking about could have very likely duel applied as Ortho is competitive? Possibly that is why they are showing they matched in FM, IM, etc. If no match in ortho but match in those. Just a thought. I could be way off too 🙂



    Colleen Walsh

    How do you find out where those that you ranked matched?

    Amy Kraus

    Log into NRMP R3 system.

    Top right hand corner – select Options and then reports.

    The Report you are looking for is ” Match Results by Ranked Applicant”


    Hope that helps.



    Helen Womack

    My rank listed applicants matched into Ortho Surgery;   7  went unmatched.

    Colleen Walsh

    Thank you Amy!

    Helen Anderson

    We had one match in General Surgery, and the rest matched in Ortho Surgery.  Nothing unusual for us either.

    Helen, University of Utah

    Laura Brown

    Ortho has always been competitive, so it was never unusual to see a few go elsewhere or unmatched at all. But this year 65% we ranked and/or interviewed went to primary care, not Ortho. Everyone’s responses are helpful, though, and prove one of the theories that it’s an Osteopathic problem. You MD-ers never have issues 😉

    Too many DO schools/students, not enough programs/slots. Also, Osteopathic medicine by nature is very primary care focused, with a hope that they’ll serve rural/underserved areas. (A detriment to women/minorities in Ortho if you read my poster last year lol)

    Anyway– thanks, everyone!

    Courtney Matlach

    If you haven’t seen it already, NRMP published a report labeled “Download- Advance Data Tables” which shows the number of applicants and matches per specialty. The report even breaks it down by MD and DO, it was interesting to see!


    I noticed the same.


    Ortho Surgery Research, ED, GS (3), Pre-Lim GS & 7 unmatched applicants.  I’m curious, are the non-Ortho matches through SOAP?

    Sarah Marino

    We noticed the same thing with our program. We had a good handful not match and then some did FM, IM, and Gen Surg

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