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    Hello again!

    Our residents receive 28 days of vacation.  I’m curious if anyone has a maximum number of days away you provide your PGY4 residents to go on interviews for fellowships. We want our residents to be successful and match to fantastic programs.  However, we also can’t have them be away for 20 additional days!  Just curious what other programs are doing to manage this.


    Please share!


    Thank you,

    Rebecca Reyes


    Katrina Gabat

    Hi Rebecca,

    Our residents receive 20 days of PTO, 4 wellness days, and 1 floating cultural holiday. On top of that, we previously allowed the PGY4s to have 10 days to use for fellowship interviews in addition to the 4 wellness days and 1 floating cultural holiday, however we are in the process of rewriting this policy to allow them to only have 5 additional days to use for interviews. They can use their 5 days dedicated to interviews, 4 wellness days, 1 floating cultural holiday, and up to one week of PTO for interviews.

    Katrina Gabat

    Hi Rebecca,

    Our residents receive 20 days of PTO, 4 wellness days, and 1 floating cultural holiday. On top of that, we previously allowed the PGY4s to have 10 days to use for fellowship interviews in addition to the 4 wellness days and 1 floating cultural holiday, however we are in the process of rewriting this policy to allow them to only have 5 additional days to use for interviews. They can use their 5 days dedicated to interviews, 4 wellness days, 1 floating cultural holiday, and up to one week of PTO for interviews.


    Katrina Gabat

    Northwell Health – LIJMC

    Shawna Hook-Held

    Hi! We had a lot of issues with this last year so we allow PGY4’s to use their 5 professional days for interviews. They get 20 vacation days a year and try (it has been an issue!) to get residents to take their vacation days in 5 day blocks (Monday-Friday with the weekend not counting towards their vacation days).


    Kim Reising

    Hi Rebecca,

    Our residents receive 20 PTO days, and 5 sicks days. For fellowship interviews, we allow them 10 additional days (this means 10 days for interviews and travel, not 10 interviews). Anything more than 10 days, they have to use PTO. They are required to complete our Additional Time Off form in advance – see attached.


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    Jennifer Polo

    What is your processes for tracking, requesting the different variations of time off?

    Laurie Lynch

    Hi Jennifer!

    For our time off requests, we just started using Microsoft Forms this year with a link for the residents to submit their requests online. I am able to download spreadsheets to keep a record of requests.

    Our institution has software we are required to use to track PTO, preferred holiday, sick time and conference time. They do not include fellowship interview time in that software system. For fellowship time off tracking, I’m still old school at the moment – calendar pages that I note the days they request, whether they are using an interview day, a travel day, PTO or conference time if they have exceeded their fellowship time allowance. Their days away are also included on the master calendar for all resident absences that is posted on our department app.


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