Hello Everyone,
I am scheduled to take the TAGME certification exam the later part of August. For those of you that are TAGME-C what advise would you give me? What do I study for? What should I expect?
Hi Lorena! I’d recommend to read up on all of the resources they recommend. I took it a couple years ago when it went back to institution/gme-based questions, and I’m not sure if it’s still “open book” but I printed everything and sorted it in a 3-ring binder, then went through pretty much every section and added sticky-tabs with “duty hours” “fatigue” “CLER” etc to make topics easier to find. The exam seems to be more to test you on how well you know your resources. Good luck to you and happy to help answer any more questions you may have!!
This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by ARCOS.