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    As Residency Coordinators have you had to assume the responsibility of updating your programs social media accounts?  I update our webpage but have not assumed the responsibility of Facebook, Twitter, etc.  I know of some departments that hire, or share, an employee for this need?


    Our department has a web administrator who manages our department’s social media accounts as well as any updates to our website. We work with her/send her content when available.

    Christine Pallasigui
    Stanford University

    Beth Hall

    One of our residents volunteers to take on this responsibility.

    Darlene Clinton

    We have someone in our department that does the website and all of our social media.


    Renee Poe

    Hi Amy:

    Residents elect two administrative chiefs each year. They are responsible for updating social media sites. Additionally, the Program Chair’s assistant handles it on the University end.

    I hope this helps.

    Laurie Lynch

    Hi Amy,

    I’m responsible for sending updates and changes for our website to the webmaster, usually every August. I don’t work in the software though. Our Instagram account is new this year. The residents and I are collaborating on providing photos and information and building a content calendar. Communications policy for our institution requires someone from residency administration to manage and update the account and someone from leadership to review and approve captions and photos. I am handling the updates and our program director is reviewing content before it is uploaded.

    Laurie Lynch

    WMU School of Medicine

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