Home Forums General Forum Resident Vacation Allotment for Short Term rotation

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    Good Morning Ladies:

    I am not from a Residency Program, but onboard Residents that come to our institution for 2-4 months, depending on the home programs rotation. Being that we aren’t the Resident’s program that designates vacation time, etc. Where can I locate the appropriate time for vacation time for these short rotations? How do we per ACGME guidelines base the allotments for rotations that are 2 mos, 3 mos and 4 months? We have a policy in place now but I want to check it against the actual ACGME guideline. I need asap and thank you.



    We were told 3 weeks per year at CORE PROGRAM. However, the Residents are only with us short time. I have a visiting Resident for 4 months telling me the ACGME guidelines state they get 1 week every 4 months to take off. I am not finding that anywhere. Thank You.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by ARCOS.
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