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    How do your institutions manage personal DEA’s? For example, do you allow your residents to apply for personal DEA numbers and reimburse for the expense? Or, do they use institutional DEA numbers during residency?
    Thanks for your insight.

    Robin Sasaoka

    Our residents use institutional DEA numbers.

    Lucy Salgado

    Our residents also use an institutional DEA.

    Laurel Lewis

    We use institutional DEA. Some PGY5 will be getting their own DEA to begin fellowship, they have to pay for that on their own or get reimbursed by their fellowship.


    Our residents also use our institutional DEA.

    Angela Weiss

    Our residents have fee-exempt DEA licenses because one of our sites is a public hospital. Each resident has their own DEA license but they are institution specific and can only be used for University of Washington sites.

    Cindy Thompson

    Our residents use our institutional DEA.


    Resident must have their DEA by their PGY3 year when they rotate at our county medical center. In the last few years the Orthopaedic Group that works out of the county medical center have been paying for their DEA licenses.

    Christen Coffey

    Our Sponsoring Institution requires all residents to obtain an unrestricted medical license after 28 months of GME training and they must obtain and maintain their own personal DEA number within 3 months of receiving their medical license. The Sponsoring Institution offers a taxable working condition fringe benefit to the residents each year to help defray expenses for license fees, DEA fees, and license exam fees.

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