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    Lashun Matthews


    Can any one of you mind letting me know if  your program charges for completing Residency and Fellowship verification Requests? If so, could you please share how much?  Thank you.

    Janet Lockshin

    Hi Lashun,

    We don’t charge to complete these. I’m not really sure how we would do that. In our case, being a university, whoever would be paying for it would have to be set up as a supplier, and that would be more trouble than it would be worth.

    Hope this helps!


    Diane Little

    When we receive a verification request, we will send them a “generic” verification form that our GME department has put together. If they do not accept the “generic” verification form and request theirs to be filled out, we do charge $50 per verification. Hope that helps! ~Amanda

    Donna Lizut


    We don’t charge for these either. I look at them as on ongoing benefit/support for our Fellows. In addition, I agree with Janet…the process of even charging would be very cumbersome and where to begin with that? It would take more time than filling out the form.

    – Donna 🙂







    Hello Lashun,

    Yes, we charge $50.  Most programs charge here at UCLA.  https://medschool.ucla.edu/education/residencies-and-fellowships/credentials-verification

    I don’t charge for the first year after training and I don’t charge the VA who we are affiliated with.


    Hope that helps,


    Tonya Harris

    We don’t charge.



    Laurie Lynch

    Hello Lashun!

    Our department does not charge as we get so few requests per year. Our Resident Affairs department did implement a charge a few years ago as some of the larger residencies in our institution receive many more requests. Our institution has a standard Final Summative letter for each graduate that is provided to an entity requesting verification. If the requesting entity won’t accept the Final Summative, then the fee is $75 to complete their documentation. Our Resident Affairs rep did say she has found a lot of state medical boards won’t accept the Final Summative. So rather than delay the graduate’s application, she will complete the medical board paperwork instead without implementing the fee.

    Just a little more info to add to the conversation!


    Bonnie Schuster

    We do NOT charge for this.  If we did and I was paid directly, it would be a nice bonus.  I get versification requests daily for residency and fellowships.

    Jessica O’Connor

    Our institution policy is that all requests for residency/fellowship verification go through the University GME office. I believe they do charge for those that are more than two years out of residency/fellowship.

    Cindy Thompson

    I do not charge for them however, many programs at my institution do.  The charge is $50.00 – $75.00 depending on the department and is only for verifications for residents/fellows that have been gone 2+ years, verifications within the first 2 years are completed at no charge.  The money collected helps to offset program manager conference registration, travel, membership dues etc.   They set up an account with Univeristy finance office and accept credit cards for this so it’s quick and easy.   In fact, one department has an account set up with FCVS and they automatically make the payment and the request comes with the receipt of already being paid.  I think this is becoming more and more the norm so most places don’t give much push back on it.

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