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    One of my past residents is trying to make his residency a 6 year program, 1 year of research and then 5 years of residency. Are there any programs that offer this track?

    Thank you

    Channon Cordes Cole

    We offer a one-year research track, but it is incorporated into the 5 year residency program and we do not extend the program to 6 years.

    Jennifer Duane

    Hi Tammy – yes, we’ve been offering this at Harvard for a while. It is not a track that residents have to match into. Ideally they decide to do it after their PGY-3 year (but some have done it after PGY-4). Some have taken 2 years off, some just 1. One of our PhD faculty has a T32 grant that has helped to support these residents during their research year (although some have had to identify other funding sources when the T32 wasn’t available). They often moonlight to supplement their income also.
    As far as the regulatory bodies (ABOS, ACGME) are concerned, there is no problem with extending their training in this manner (though someone with a visa would run into problems). We’ve had some problems with hospital credentialing recognizing them as clinical trainees when they are not on the residency schedule, but that’s a local issue.
    Logistically, it is tricky because it means adjusting the rotation schedules to accommodate the fluctuating number of residents each year. If you want to chat in more detail about our experience with this feel free to contact me directly!

    Bonnie Schuster

    We offer the research track in our program. Each year we recruit 7 residents for the 5 year track and 1 resident for the 6 year track. The research year follows the PGY 2 year.

    Lynnette St. Louis

    Yes, we have a 6 year program. We have a separate number/listing with NRMP and applicants are allowed to apply to both tracks in ERAS. Both tracks go through the match. Our research resident will complete their intern year, complete their PGY-2 and then enter their research year as a PGY-3. At the end of the research year, they’ll “re-enter” the program as a PGY-3 again.

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