Home Forums General Forum Reaching out about a Past ARCOS Member

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    Vicky Norton

    Dear ARCOS,

    Shaing with all in case you like to write, or know of your predecessor that might know of Ginny Cooper.  She is now retired, and in need of some good cheer.  Ginny, who is circled in the picture below, could light up a room.  For those that know her, she is fun loving, joyful, and always had a smile on her face.  I think she still does.  She was our original photographer when ARCOS started.  I, like those that met her, loved her when you first said hello. If you have time to jot her a line of wellness or joy to brighten her day, her family would be appreciative.  Please send to her son, David Cooper at 5831 Hesperia Avenue, Encino, CA  91316 or email him at thatdavecooper@gmail.com  He is reading any letters or emails to her to bring a smile to her face (more than she already has).

    Kim Reising

    Thanks for sharing Vicky. You are absolutely right about Ginny, she was fun loving and always had a smile on her face. To me she was like the ARCOS cheerleader!  She was very passionate about ARCOS and its members. At our meetings she made sure everyone was comfortable and was always asking if anyone needed anything.  Lots of good ARCOS memories of Ginny for sure.


    I sent her an email.  I remember Ginny

    Laurel Lewis


    This is a lovely idea!

    I sent an email with pictures that I have from our meetings.

    I hope this will lift her spirits and let her know how grateful we are that she was a part of building ARCOS for us!



    • This reply was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Laurel Lewis.

    I reached out to Ginny and got a very nice response back from her son.

    Vicky, the photo you attached did not come out (or maybe my University blocked it).  Could you try sending it again.

    Thank you everyone.


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