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    Barbra Solares


    Those of you who do out-of-town mandatory rotations, how does the housing get paid.

    I appreciate all the feedback.

    Thank you and have a nice day!


    Diane Little

    We have a studio apartment that we rent all year.  I submit a monthly invoice for the rent to our accounts payable in order to pay the landlord.

    Barbra Solares

    Does the rotation where your residents rotate pay, or does your own department fund the rotation?

    If the out-of-town rotation pays, is the housing compensation language in your PLA/Special Provisions or the Master Affiliation Agreement?

    Thank you

    Laurie Lynch

    Hi Barb!

    Our rotation is only 6 months out of the year. I research AirBNB locations and then provide the link to our Accounting department, who books them with the institution credit card. They are currently working on an Institution AirBNB account which would allow me to book directly without going through Accounting.


    Amy Kraus

    We provide the housing by working with a corporate housing group. We have a fully furnished apartment.

    To comply with ACGME (or to make sure the rotation was approved) we made sure to designate in our rational that we were paying for the apartment & mileage. We arrange to have the apartment cleaned regularly and supply paper products & cleaners.


    Univ of Mississippi Medical Center



    Diane Little

    Our department funds the studio apartment that we rent, however we do have another rotation where the other institution covers a hotel room for the rotation and it is laid out in our PLA.  Hope that helps!

    Barbra Solares

    Thank you everyone, this is all helpful.

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