Check out these opportunities at AAOS as well as ACGME, both will be led by Lisa Cannada, MD:
For residents at AAOS: Speed Mentoring Program for residents, Thursday, March 14 8:00 -9:30 am.
For all at ACGME: SES079 Discrimination, Bullying, Harassment, and Sexual Harassment: Lessons Learned and Next Steps
In 2015, an incident in Australia led to a thorough assessment and action plan for addressing issues related to bullying and harassment (including sexual harassment) in medicine. Fast forward to 2017/2018 in the U.S. where many professions are making progress toward addressing issues related to harassment and abuse. Medical education and the medical professions have not been immune to these issues and pressures. We invite you to participate in a national conversation on how to improve the culture in medicine/medical education to create a more positive learning/working environment free of discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment.
Learning Objectives:
1. Define harassment and the scope of the problem (Discrimination, Bullying, Sexual Harassment and Harrassment -DBSH)
2. Understand the negative effects on trainees and staff of DBSH
3. Provide examples of resources which exist and define an action plan
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