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    Sarah Marino

    Good Morning,


    We start our testing tomorrow and I just want to double check because I did not see anything listed in the proctor guidelines. Are the residents going to the aaos.programworkshop.com to start the test or is there another website that they use to access the test?


    Thank you !

    Honor Sanderford

    Hi Sarah,

    We started testing today, and I had the residents go to the secure browser. They had no issues taking the test.

    I don’t recall having to give them their AAOS ID last year (this is technically the first year I’ve run the test as I had just started with the program before the test). Are you all sending the residents their AAOS ID ahead of time or giving it to them the day of? I have 30 residents taking the test Thursday and I don’t think it would be timely to go around the room giving each resident their number.



    Channon Cordes Cole

    Good morning Sarah

    Yes, the residents go to aaos.programworkshop.com. They should not log in, but rather scroll up so they can see the banner across the mid top of the page. There is a “Download Secure Browser” button. Once they do that, they will be asked for the session number and then their AAOS ID and last name.



    Bonnie Schuster

    Each year I give them their AAOS ID’s on a post it!  It is just easier than them looking it up.


    Sarah Marino

    Thank you guys! I could not remember what we did last year!


    Honor, I print out their number and put it in the header of a word document and then that is their scratch paper as well so they all have their numbers the whole time so if they ever need it again during testing I dont have to go and give it to them.

    Honor Sanderford

    Thank you, Bonnie and Sarah.


    Sarah, I love that idea and will do that now for part 2 of testing on Thursday.

    Laura Brown

    There’s 1,000 ways to skin a cat, but I would highly (highly) recommend running all of the checks and pre-downloading the browser onto the PC desktops before the test day and not asking them to download the morning of.

    Nicole Toland


    To go off of one of the current questions regarding OITE, where do I go to find my residents AAOS ID’s? I have never actually looked them up before, they have always done it themselves in the past.



    Laurel Lewis

    Agree with LB,

    Make sure that you have your residents run the system test to ward off any software issues, ahead of the exam; ex: testing on a Mac where their operating system is too old.  Best case is to have your IT department download the browser and test all the computers being used ahead of time.

    Also, it is a good idea to have a qualified IT person from your institution who can help you with any technical issues like firewalls, for example, ON CALL.

    Best wishes!


    Courtney Matlach


    Log in to the aaos.programworkshop.com site and if you hit the roster button they will all be listed. You can also download as an excel file. I then do a quick mail merge to put them on stickers to hand out the morning of.

    I just finished up in person testing yesterday and happy to report no issues!

    Happy testing all!


    Amy Kraus

    We provide each resident with a printout that includes their login information, as noted by AAOS. We proctor the exam and also make sure to have the session code noted on this page. We made it a standard practice to have the instructions printed on this handout. It helps to keep things organized and quite the day of the exam, especially if there are any staggered starts.   Our program preloads the secure browser to each system, while testing computers several days before the exam. IT is on hand to help with any issues.

    Out first testing day (the majority of our residents) was Monday – it was rather smooth.

    We have a few more testing Friday.

    Viveka Spivey

    @Sarah Thank you for that idea.  I don’t know why I never thought to do that.  I love mail merge as a time saver!

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