Home Forums General Forum New ACGME Case Minimums

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    Starla Pathak

    Hello everyone —

    Has anyone taken a deep dive and looked at the new ACGME minimums report?  It appears that apparently, the ACGME uploaded the new format last night / early this morning. My residents are really concerned about the CPT codes that the ACGME is using isn’t capturing the cases that they are doing.  Any thoughts / concerns????  How will this affect our graduating chiefs this year and in the following few years until the new Minimums are in full effect?

    Starla Pathak
    Tufts Ortho

    Courtney Matlach

    Hi Starla,

    I noticed this morning that the minimum report had been updated and I was slightly freaking out! The January CORD Report email that went out this morning had a link for some articles, including a timeline of how this will be implemented.  This did make me feel slightly better, but still a lot to digest. I think we will certainly have a lot of questions for the ACGME at our upcoming conference!


    Courtney Matlach
    Montefiore Einstein

    Viveka Spivey

    Yes, I was nervous too but from what I read it won’t count until the class of 2027.


    It won’t have an impact on our PGY 5 residents; however, it will impact your program. See link below.

    ACGME Case Minimum Changes

    Kim Reising

    This will definitely be a hot topic for discussion with our friends from the ACGME at our annual conference in Nashville.  Talk to your faculty and residents about their concerns and come prepared to the conference with questions.


    Lorena Davis

    My program director and I have read through all of the material and have a little bit of an idea on the changes but our issue is informing the residents. It would be nice if ACGME would offer a simplified version of all these changes that we as coordinators can pass on to our residents as they will not have the time to read so much material. Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend the annual conference this year so if anyone can share any additional information once you return for the conference it would be greatly appreciated.

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