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    Honor Sanderford

    Hi everyone!

    It was great to see so many people at the ARCOS/CORD meetings last week in Nashville.

    As promised, I am attaching my monthly to do list which I keep in excel. I forgot to mention that I have this saved on google docs so I can see it on my work computer and from my personal laptop. In case I’m on my personal laptop and I remember I need to do something I can add it to the list. 🙂

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    Kelly Kovacs

    Adding this coordinator calendar that was provided to me when I started.. [I did not create this and have not updated it]

    I like the one-page format. It was very helpful to me the first few months; had it printed for quick reference but then I got into my own swing of things which is why it is outdated.

    Worth it to share for the formatting idea if nothing else!


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    Jennifer Polo

    Thank you for sharing the knowledge, I plan to customize this to do list to my program!

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