Home Forums General Forum Introducing the ARCOS Mentorship Program! 


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  • #6135
    Laurel Lewis

    Hello ARCOS Friends,

    We are excited to launch this mentoring initiative aimed at fostering growth, collaboration, and support among ARCOS coordinators.  This mentorship program is designed to connect experienced coordinators with those new to the role, creating a dynamic environment for sharing knowledge, best practices, and resources.  Here is an overview of the program’s key characteristics.

    Find a Mentor

    Our ARCOS Webmaster has developed an interactive program that allows you to easily find a mentor for specific issues with just a click of a button. Furthermore, you can explore each mentor’s profile to initiate a mentoring connection.

    Become a Mentor

    This program will feature rolling enrollment for mentors.  After completing the online mentor form, your areas of expertise will be listed on the ARCOS website, making it easy for member coordinators to reach out when they need assistance.  Once you’re registered, you will be able to interact with your mentees whenever your schedule permits as an official ARCOS Mentor.  You have the flexibility to choose your preferred method of mentoring, whether it’s through email, one-on-one or group virtual meetings, and more.

    Take a look at the ARCOS Mentorship Program at http://www.arcosonline.org where you will find a link on the home page.

    Let’s start this journey of professional development and community-building!

    Contacts for your mentor program are:  Courtney Matlach – cmatlach@montefiore.org & Laurel Lewis – llewis8@wellspan.org

    **If you decide to discontinue mentoring, kindly notify your mentees and inform the ARCOS mentorship program contacts, so we can remove your information from the website.

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