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    Kierstin Bonning

    Hi all…We have started discussing interviews and the pros and cons of in person vs. virtual interviews.  If you don’t mind, can you please tell me which way your program will be interviewing?

    Thanks so much.

    Kierstin Gardner

    Ashley Adolph

    We will be in-person again this year. We were in-person last year too, and the faculty prefer it over virtual because they feel they get a better sense of the applicants this way.

    Tonya Harris

    We’ve been doing the virtual thing  because most candidates have auditioned and the residents and faculty have already gotten a feel for who they are. Plus, it allows the candidates to have the freedom to  schedule multiple interviews during the same time frame and not have to worry about travel expenses.

    Dawn D’Eusanio

    We had in person interviews this year and will again next year. Hands down, the program (faculty and residents) prefer in person interviews.

    Lee Ann Finno

    We had in person interviews across the board for residency and fellowships.  The fellows we interviewed ( I am a hand fellowship coordinator) had a mixed bag of in person and virtual interviews and were really appreciative to be in person to see our facilities etc.. Of course they may just be saying that but for us we prefer in person. Thanks.

    Amy Kraus

    We will again hold in person residency interviews this year.

    Our Fellowships will be in person with the exception of Peds – they may remain virtual.

    We feel that the applicants get a better picture of our program when in person.

    Laurel Lewis

    We will have in-person interviews for residency again this year.

    For fellowships, since it is easier for 4th year residents to attend virtually, we will continue to interview via Zoom.  This way, residents do not have to take a 1-3 days off to interview with us.


    Melissa Wheeler

    We will be doing virtual interviews again for residency.  It’s more cost effective for both the program and the students.

    LaRhonda Butler

    We also had in person interviews this year and the plan is to do the same again in January.

    Donna Lizut


    This past season we offered a hybrid version.  Two separate Saturdays, one virtual and one in-person. We sent a survey to the applicants so they could choose their preference and we were able to balance out 24 per day. Same Agenda format for each.  We are doing the same for the upcoming year as well.

    – Donna

    Angela Weiss

    University of Washington will be in person this year.  I preferred virtual but our faculty prefer in person.  Virtual is more cost effective for everyone and creates a more level playing field.


    UC has mandated virtual interviews for ACGME programs only.  So, Residency, Sports, and Hand at UCLA will be virtual.  However, we are allowed “in-person second looks.”  We plan to certify our rank list before the second look so there is no bias.  Our Residency PD feels virtual is more equitable and will continue with virtual after the mandate is lifted.

    However, all the non-ACGME fellowships will be in-person.  Fellowship Programs feel at a disadvantage as other competitive programs are in-person.


    Starla Pathak

    Good morning.  At Tufts Medical Center, we will be interviewing virtually.  Our Hospital GME is mandating that all programs interview virtually and can offer in-person 2nd looks as long as we can prove that such visits will not be a show of preference to candidates that might come to visit.

    Kierstin Bonning

    Thank you all so much for responding:)

    Lucy Salgado

    Our residency interviews will be virtual.  Our hand fellowship PD has yet to decide on virtual or in-person.

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