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    Chanelle Arsenault


    I am wondering if any of you know what type of educational travel grant support is out there for residents.
    I am getting pushback from my finance department and I am finding that grants are few and far between. We use J&J DePuy for AO Basic.

    Does anyone else have any other suggestions they can recommend?
    Thank you,
    Chanelle Arsenault, MHA, OT-C
    UNC Orthopaedics Residency Coordinator

    Karen Darvill

    We have had some luck with Stryker grants for OTA courses.

    Thank you,




    Donna Lizut

    Was that recent (this year)? I reached out to them last year and was told they no longer offer travel grants due to budget constraints. I reached out in April and then again today because I haven’t received any reply?

    Most are no longer giving travel grants. I don’t know what OTA is….I work with Fellows.

    Please advise and thank you.




    Karen Darvill

    OTA is Orthopaedic Trauma Association.  Just last week Stryker approved a grant for two of my residents to attend an upcoming OTA meeting. I don’t know if they consider fellows to be different and/or if there are any other events they provide grants for. I would love to know!

    Donna Lizut

    Great, thank you. 🙂

    Laura Brown

    We’ve been successful and not successful in both Stryker and Synthes grants. You have to have everything ready and lined up in advance. We were successful with a Synthes grant for an AO Trauma Basic course for my PGY2s. As soon as they released the date for the next course, they enrolled before it was filled, gave me their total cost, and I applied. The reps can’t be involved, but they are a big help in getting you talking to the right people should you need to. Synthes has a list (click the Educational Events box) of what they aren’t funding or don’t have money for on the website: https://www.jnjmedtech.com/en-US/depuy-synthes/about-us/grants-and-giving/education-grants

    Stryker is tricky, but similar advice. Get it in early and make sure it’s something they’ll cover. Most won’t give money out to competitors’ courses, either. Since the funding isn’t always there, we just started an Education and Research foundation so that faculty, alumni, and local philanthropists can donate to the fund (and get a tax write-off), and we use that money to pay for everything the institution doesn’t cover.

    Courtney Matlach

    Wondering if anyone has ever run into issues with J&J Depuy grants? I recently applied for funding for my residents to go to AO Basic and I was told unfortunately they cannot review my grant right now because another department in my hospital has not reconciled their grant (aka they owe them money) and until they get the funds back, they won’t look at ours. We are very close to just offering to pay to cover the other departments fee!

    Viveka Spivey

    Hi Courtney, We had that issue years ago.  I believe I ended up reaching out to the other department and letting them know that they were affecting our grant application.  I also let our Office of Research Administration office who handles all the University grant applications know so that they could pressure the other department too.  Way back then we were able to make that work but the grants now seem to go so quickly any delay may cause you to miss out.  Hope you get it cleared up soon!

    Lucy Salgado

    Hi Courtney

    I had the same issues at our institution. I had to reach out to that program’s coordinator to help with their refund in order for J&J Depuy to look at our application.  It also seems that J&J Depuy are no longer offering grants for PGY1 this year.  At least that’s what I was told.  Not sure if anyone else had that issue.

    Lynne Hamann

    Hey everyone,

    I am reposnding to the mention of grants for PGY1s.  This is the case.  J&J Depuy is no longer considering grants for PGY1s.  We have sent our PGY1 to AOBasic at the end of their PGY1 year as it is so much easier on our rotation/service needs to send them before starting the PGY2 year.  All was set up, interns were registered and grants were sent in when we got this news that these applicaiton would not be considered.  So registration were all cancelled and we are in the process or working out our rotation schedule for next year, so we can get them register again and apply for grants before J&J runs out of funds.  With our budgets as they are now, so very tight, we may not be able to send them if we are not awarded the grants.

    Lynne – PSU

    Starla Pathak

    Hi all –

    My understanding from some insiders at AO is that they have significantly decreased the number of grants being awarded for the AO courses, which is unfortunate.  Another issue we’ve encountered over the past year and half is that AO will no longer allow PGY-1s to register for the course until they have had 6 months of residency training, which has also affected our rotation schedules.  We’ve now had to shift the AO Course back to early in the PGY-2 year.  I know budgets are an issue for all of us and I’m honestly not sure what options we have as other companies are being very selective in terms of what they will support.  I have been adding the AO course(s) into my budget as a line item.  Would love to hear what others are doing to combat this shortfall.

    Starla Pathak


    Traci Howard

    Starting this year, I am budgeting our PGY2’s to attend AO, I gave up on applying for the grants.

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