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    Donna Lizut


    I am doing a quick survey asking how many of you offer educational/travel stipends? If so, would you mind sharing your amount? I am trying to get a national average for my upcoming budget.

    I truly would appreciate your feedback.

    Thank You.

    – Donna




    Maia Knox

    Hi Donna


    We do $5000 per fellow per year for educational/travel


    Hope this helps!




    Our 2022-2023 stipend at Penn State for a PGY6 is $75,777.  They also recieve $1500 for the year for travel.  Ususally after those funds are used our faculty sponsor fellow travel using money they donate to the department by participating in legal expert wittness cases.

    Lynne – PSU

    Jessica O’Connor


    Our fellowship programs pay for one educational conference of the fellows’ choosing each year (registration, hotel, airfare + baggage, ground transportation, meals). They do not necessarily put a cap on the amount being spent, but ask that the total cost be ‘within reason’. Keeping ‘within reason’ as a limit has not been an issue in the past as they tend to be very conscientious about their spending. Typically, in the past, they have spent anywhere from $1,500 to $3,500 depending on location and how far out they book their flights. Our spine fellow went to AAOS in Vegas this year and didn’t have to pay out of pocket for any of their meals, so we only had to cover registration, flight, hotel, uber/parking, so I think we paid around $2300 for them to attend. Also, we reimburse for all the travel costs after they have attended the conference and turn in their original receipts (we get audited by the state yearly, so this is a requirement for reimbursement).

    I hope this helps.


    Maia Knox

    Sports Medicine and Shoulder Fellowship Program at TRIA in Minneapolis, MN 🙂

    Donna Lizut

    Thank you!

    Donna Lizut

    Thank you for this feedback.

    Donna Lizut

    Thank you for your help.


    For fellows, our 2022-23 budget was $2,000/fellow. We have requested to increase it to $2,500/fellow for 23-24.

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