Good morning everyone!
I wanted to make sure that any ARCOS members that are also a member of CORD saw this email that was sent out yesterday.
CORD Town Hall: Virtual Interviews
Tuesday, August 4, 2020 | 8:00pm – 9:00pm EDT
Register Now
Virtual interviews for fourth-year medical students are a novel experience for both the residency programs and medical students in the upcoming recruitment season. This CORD Town Hall will facilitate discussion about ways to feature the culture of your program, the potential for an increased number of applications and interviews, and the format of interview days.
Action Items:
1. Register for the Town Hall
2. Complete this pre-Town Hall Survey (even if you are unable to attend the Town Hall)
CORD programs may invite medical student clerkship directors from your institutions. Because AOA login is required, if a clerkship director is interested in attending, please ask them to email
Kind regards,
Joshua C. Patt, MD, MPH, FAOA
Chair, The AOA’s Council of Orthopaedic Residency Directors (CORD)