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    Sarah Marino

    Good Afternoon,


    What is everyone doing in regards to scheduling audition rotations and not knowing what the Step 2/ Level 2 scores are? We have had a lot audition this year that don’t even meet our score requirements because all we see is PASS/FAIL for part 1.


    Thank you!

    Honor Sanderford


    We haven’t looked at any USMLE scores for our audition rotation. We start taking students in June and stop in November. There is no way we can require a step 2 score before we accept them.



    Leslie Hays

    At AHN, on our website, in the application section, its clear that there is a step 2 cut off score. This way there is no confusion for the applicant if they did not meet the criteria.

    Annie Detrick

    At UChicago we do not have a cut off for Step 2 for audition rotations (or residency interviews for that matter). They have to have passed part I.


    Kim Reising

    Here at the University of Cincinnati, we only require that they pass Step 1 (first attempt) for audition rotations.


    Laura Brown

    The pass/fail has made it difficult to schedule audition rotations because it acted like a pre-screening. If they saw they didn’t meet the minimum requirements, then they didn’t apply for a rotation. With something concrete in place that didn’t require a human reading CVs or Letters, I could just schedule them first come, first serve. Now the date opens and I’m blown up with 20-something applications in a week (we can only accommodate 5 to 6 a month). We’re a small program and historically only match those that rotate. So—I can’t first come/serve anymore because we have to have mini-app reviews to see if they’re a competitive applicant. Which means I’m harassing my PD to do more work. I feel like I need thalamus for rotations now too. /rantover

    All that to say— It’s given me more work and I don’t want more work (lol).

    Laura Brown

    <p style=”text-align: right;”>The pass/fail has made it difficult to schedule audition rotations because it acted like a pre-screening. If they saw they didn’t meet the minimum requirements, then they didn’t apply for a rotation. With something concrete in place that didn’t require a human reading CVs or Letters, I could just schedule them first come, first serve. Now the date opens and I’m blown up with 20-something applications in a week (we can only accommodate 5 to 6 a month). We’re a small program and historically only match those that rotate. So—I can’t first come/serve anymore because we have to have mini-app reviews to see if they’re a competitive applicant. Which means I’m harassing my PD to do more work. I feel like I need thalamus for rotations now too. /rantover</p>
    All that to say— It’s given me more work and I don’t want more work (lol).

    Mara Sweet

    We take 10 rotators/month for July-November. We usually have all spots filled by June 1, so there’s no way we could require our Step 2 score minimum for the away rotation like we do for interviews. We usually end up with 1 or 2 that are below our minimum score. We added a supplemental video application this year for our away rotators, which my reviewing faculty have loved.

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