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    Vicky Norton

    Dear ARCOS friends,

    What are the requirements from ACGME in order to replace a PD with an APD?  Is there a year limit to do this from ACGME, or just a suggestion?  I am asking because our PD may move to Chair and he will need someone to step up.  Our APD has not been involved in the role for very long.

    Thanks for your help.



    Hi Vicky,

    It appears in section II.A.3 that the requirements for the PD are three years of documented educational and/or administrative expertice, or qualificaitons acceptable to the Review Committee.  There is also Backgrond and Intend in this section with further explaination.

    Lynne PSU.

    Donna Lizut

    Hi Vicky:

    We are in the midst of this process right now. Our former Fellow, from a few years ago, has been the APD.  Our current PD is stepping down for his new role as Chair.

    I reached out to the ACGME for the process and was told we needed to send a request to our DIO who approved and then sent his request to the ACGME.

    Once, that occurred, they reached out to our APD to being the process, updated CV, etc.

    I was able to fill everything out on the ACGME ADS for him. It wasn’t bad at all. It looked just like the PD profile.

    After that was submitted, the ACGME reached out to all of us, including GME and DIO, asking the DIO for a letter of support. He just sent to them on Monday.

    We are now waiting for the ACGME.

    – Donna


    • This reply was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by Donna Lizut.
    Viveka Spivey

    Hi Vicky,

    We are getting a new PD too.  Our new PD was not an APD previously.  We are pending approval from GME but I believe it should not be an issue.  Hope this helps!


    Amy Kraus

    We went through the process this past AY.

    The request was submitted to our DIO, RRSC. We were advised to submit a letter of request noting the qualifications & stating the need for the change. We were asked to also submit an updated CV.  It was also suggested that we indicate that the current PD had accepted the position of Chair yet was well in support of the academic endeavors of our program.

    The DIO entered the change in ACGME ADS and we emailed the RC with support documents. As noted, we also updated the CV fields in ADS.

    We then waited for the formal approval from RC. The request was reviewed at a set RC Committee Meeting. When the approval came it indicated that the approval was retroactive to the date the DIO entered our PD into the system

    Rather smooth, just a bit of waiting on the approval.

    New Review Committee Dates are:

    Sept 6, 2023

    Jan 19-20, 2024

    April 5-6, 2024


    Hope this helps and also eases any concern.


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