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February 27, 2024 at 9:16 am #5359
Laurel Lewis
KeymasterWe were honored to have Dr Mary Mulcahey as the ARCOS 2024 Frederick N Meyer, MD Keynote Speaker and Dr Jacqueline Brady as a post keynote panelist moderated by Dr Mulcahey at the 19th Annual ARCOS Conference in February. As a follow up to the keynote speaker and panel discussion, Drs Mulcahey and Brady wanted to remind us of our roles as Mandatory Reporters.
To the wonderful members of ARCOS,
Thank you for joining us for a very rich discussion at your annual meeting last week. On the heels of our session, we realized that, though some of the content was certainly related, we did not specifically discuss our roles as mandatory reporters. While mandatory reporting is most often referred to by the lay public as it relates to child and elder abuse, the protection of our surgical trainees constitutes a similar mission: protect those who are vulnerable against abuse.
We want to make it absolutely clear that, in our roles with trainee leadership and administrative support, we are all mandatory reporters of instances of sexual harassment and assault. Attached is a handy resource with information regarding mandatory reporting. We welcome any follow-up questions and discussion, and are happy to help you find resources at your institution if needed. Thank you again for supporting our young surgeons.
We look forward to engaging again at future meetings!
Jacqueline Brady, MD, on behalf of SpeakUp Ortho
Dr Brady will be available to answer any questions or concerns via her email address: jackiemunchbrady@gmail.com. If you, your residents, fellows, or faculty wish to remain anonymous, please use the “Contact” tab on the SpeakUp Ortho website: http://www.speakuportho.org
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