Frederick N. Meyer, M.D.

Keynote Lectureship

The Frederick N. Meyer, M.D., Keynote Lectureship was established by vote of the ARCOS Membership in 2005 to honor Dr. Meyer’s support and encouragement of ARCOS. The phenomenal progress and success of ARCOS is directly related to Dr. Meyer’s challenge for a handful of Orthopaedic Surgery Coordinators to move forward and form a specialty association exclusively for Orthopaedic Surgery Coordinators. From the beginning, Dr. Meyer envisioned the role of Residency and Fellowship Coordinators as that of a resourceful, effective and valuable member of the Program Director’s team, and he encouraged us to view our role in the same manner.

Past Keynote Speakers

2025: Keith Kenter, MD, HonScD, FAOA
The Science and Art of Building a Relationship: The true meaning of enrichment

2024: Mary Mulcahey, MD, FAOA, FAAOS
Strategies for Promoting and Achieving Gender Diversity in Orthopaedics – Where Are We in 2024?

2023: Kimberly J. Templeton, MD, FAAOS, FAOA, FAMWA
Resident Wellbeing and Red Flags: Program Coordinators are the Eyes and Ears of the Program

2022: George Dyer, MD, FACS
You Are Fatigued, But You Are Powerful: Understanding Burnout Among Residency Coordinators

2019: Samir Mehta, M.D.
Talent Development in Resident Learners – Agility, Resilience, and Grit

2018: Theodore Parsons, M.D.
Of Superheroes and Everyday People

2017: Lisa A. Taitsman, M.D.
Professional development and wellness: It’s more than just survival

2016: S. Elizabeth Ames, M.D.
Moving Forward Together in Orthopaedic Education: The Art of Walking Slowly but Still Jumping in Puddles

2015: J. Lawrence Marsh, M.D.
Milestones and Competency: Past, Present, and Future

2014: Kevin P. Black, M.D.
Systems-Based Practice: The Core Competency

2013: Terrance D. Peabody, M.D.
Challenges to Orthopaedic Residency Education

2012: Joseph D. Zuckerman, M.D.
Teaching Professionalism in Orthopaedic Residency: Can It Be Done?

2011: Peter J. Stern, M.D.
Unsung Heroes: Reflections from an Old Codger

2010: E. Anthony Rankin, M.D.
GME Funding: Past, Present, and Future

2009: Terry R. Light, M.D.
Chairman’s Hour: Expanding the Curriculum

2008: Raoul P. Rodriguez, M.D.
Our Response to a Major Emergency – Hurricane Katrina

2007: Richard E. Grant, M.D.
National ARCOS 2006 Survey Preliminary Report: What We Really Do

2006: Jason H. Calhoun, M.D.
Overview/Update on the Functions of the ACGME

Frederick N. Meyer, M.D.

ARCOS placed this bench at AAOS Headquarters in Rosemount, IL in honor of Frederick N. Meyer, M.D.